Silviu Bojica

joi, august 16, 2007

Cyber-ME - porția ta zilnică de GNU/Linux

În urmă cu mai puțin de o săptămână, am început un proiect intitulat Cyber ME - porția ta zilnică de GNU/Linux .

„Tips & tricks” cu privire la sistemul de operare GNU/Linux. Câte o porție pe zi - pentru toate ființele umane.

V-am stârnit curiozitatea? Vizitați: .


luni, iulie 16, 2007

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

A story I wrote for Please visit the UAE portal for more...

So here we go...

Few words about my family here in UAE: me, my wife, my daughter (2 years old) and my father - in a short visit to the Emirates.

We all decided to go out and spend our last day of weekend somewhere in the city. I have been also scratching my head to come with an wonderful idea and/or addition to website.

So what I proposed? - to find out a place where I can write an article - this article -, to find a place where my child can play, to have some fun and last but not the least to find a good shopping place for ladies.

It is not a secret that I am living in Sharjah, and I hate the traffic. The first place I had in mind - Ajman City Centre - a short drive against the traffic, but no - this place in another story - we've got to Sahara Mall, in Sharjah, situated at the border with Dubai, in Al Khan area - hopefully I am not doing a mistake pointing these directions.

Since I have put my first step in the mall, I have been looking around to find a coffee bar, where I can sit, relax, write this story and publish it to the net. Yes, a hot spot was the definitive choice. It was the first time when I had to use the internet facilities outside my office, my house, or client premises.

Looking around, an iZone banner distracted my attention and I said: "This is the place. Here we'll gonna sit!". Few meters away, a representation for kids is taking place "Sahara goes X-treme". My father was delighted to get there with my daughter. My wife and me, went quickly there, to that place with a "hot spot" and have the afternoon coffee - The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I know, it is late, but I am myself a "night bird".

I pulled out quickly my laptop, powered it up and searching for an available internet connection. My wife ordered for both of us. She knows my choice when I enter a coffee bar - cappuccino with cream. She ordered for herself a cappuccino with ice. Good taste (I have tasted my whife's one). I wished to cancel my first order and get an iced cappuccino, but it was already to late for this.

Familiar voices are going out from the next table - a group of Romanian girls are chatting between them - I will not say what, in fact I didn't pay to much attention to that, girls things, I guess. However, my wife joined them, making new friends. By the way, this is part of Dine in UAE philosophy, a restaurant is the place where people meet and make new friends.

Coming back to the internet hot spot subject, a prepaid card is AED15 per hour, Al Shamil subscribers pay AED6 per hour, provided they remember their usernames and passwords. Lucky me, I know them by heart! So it was easy to log in.

I wish to continue my story, but is almost 1hour since I have started it, my wife came back to me and share the rest of the evening with me. My daughter, my father might wait for us as well...

I hope all readers enjoyed this article. Others should come soon!

Etichete: ,

luni, mai 21, 2007

Unda verde pentru portalul Dine in UAE

A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am mai adus stiri pe acest blog. Dar, nu am stat pe margine pana acum. Tot cu open source am cochetat, tot ubuntu folosesc acasa (updatat la ultima versiune 7.04). Cei de la Ubuntu m-au inspirat de asemenea in a folosi drupal pentru portalul despre care voi vorbi mai jos.

E vorba de, (si acum sa auzim tobele...), e vorba de... Dine in UAE, un portal cu motto-ul Your UAE Restaurant Guide. Si acum sa fac publica si adresa Ca sa dezvalui cateva date tehnice, pe langa faptul ca e realizat integral in drupal si foloseste mysql ca baze de date, e gazduit de bluehost - un host care se declara 100% opensource.

Si ce face portalul mentionat? Ofera utilizatorului un catalog al celor mai importante restaurante din Emiratele Arabe Unite, incluzand adresa, numarul de telefon si multe alte informatii ce vor fi adaugate pe parcurs.

Mai mult, am alacatuit un forum, care va da posiblitatea utilizatorului inregistrat sa adauge comentarii, stiri, retete. Surprizele nu se vor opri aici, asa ca si pofta buna!


miercuri, noiembrie 22, 2006

Doresc să aduc în atenţia cititorilor acestui blog un portal de ştiri open source, unicul de acest gen în limba română, dacă nu ma înşel: . M-am „abonat” şi citesc zilnic ştiri noi cu ajutorul programului „Lifera”. Un singur lucru poate mi-aş dori - textul feed-urilor să fie ceva mai amplu, pentru a nu da „launch link in tab” sau „launch link in browser” pentru a citi fiecare ştire în parte.

joi, noiembrie 16, 2006

Fonturi GNU/Linux

O sursă interesantă, de unde am putut descărca 6760 de fonturi pentru GNU/Linux. Da ... e vorba de 6760 de fonturi. Şi ca să nu uit, iată link-ul cu pricina: .

marți, aprilie 11, 2006

Kubuntu in pericol?

Se pare ca dezvoltatorii distributiei Kubuntu au intrat oficial in greva. Ca avertisment, este inchis din data de 10 aprilie 2006 si va ramane permanent inchis daca nu se va primi nici un raspuns de la Canonical pana pe data de 15 aprilie la cerintele acestora legate de un "financial engagement".

Sper din tot sufletul ca situatia se va redresa si vom avea parte in continuare de o distributie Kubuntu de exceptie ca si pana acum.

duminică, aprilie 09, 2006

Bruce Perens' Open Source Series

In cautarea pe internet de carti "open" pentru software "open source" am dat de Bruce Perens' Open Source Series.

Printre titluri:

  • Linux® Patch Management: Keeping Linux® Systems Up To Date
  • Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager
  • Self-Service Linux®: Mastering the Art of Problem Determination
  • Samba-3 by Example: Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment
  • Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide, The, 2nd Edition
  • C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3
  • Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
  • Linux Development Platform, The